Nearly everyone has had the experience of opening a totally unsuitable gift. It might have been a piece of clothing you'd never consider wearing, something that's a tad inappropriate, or simply an item that shows the other person didn't put much thought into their choice.
Less-than-ideal gifts are inevitable, and you really can only control how you react to them. So as the holidays approach, you may want to consider practicing your best fake smile (or at least keeping your expression at neutral) for those moments when you open a box containing a much-too-flowery scented candle, or the latest novel from an author who bores you to tears.

You don't want to give gifts that provoke this reaction. Image source: Getty Images.
The gifts that keep on ... getting returned to the store
First, remember that a bad gift often isn't a thoughtless gift. A person who loves super-warm novelty socks might consider them a great present, and somebody who collects teddy bears may have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to recognizing that they're a pretty odd item for one adult to give to another.
Many bad gift-givers, however, are repeat offenders. According to a recent survey conducted on behalf of, a company that sells gift cards, "45% of respondents said the person who gave them their 'worst' gift ever gave them bad gifts on more than one occasion."
And what were those worst gifts? By category, 39% were food and household items. That was followed by clothes (28.4%), accessories and toiletries (12.3%), and books, toys, and games (7%).
When it comes to more specifics bad gifts, survey respondents came back with a broad list of responses. Decorations led the way at 11.4%, just edging out "socks and underwear," which was named by 9.4% of respondents, and household gadgets at 9%.