Several fintech companies are household names, but Broadridge Financial Solutions (BR 0.26%) isn't one of them. However, this is a dominant player in its core industry and has delivered excellent returns to investors, so you might want to put it on your radar. In this Fool Live video clip, recorded on June 21, contributor Matt Frankel, CFP, and Industry Focus host Jason Moser discuss what Broadridge does and why it could still have room to grow. 

Matt Frankel: Grant says, "I've owned Broadridge Financial Solutions, BR, for years and it's done quite well. Could you explain where it sits in the broad scheme of fintechs and what you think of it?" I love Broadridge and I don't think they have a whole lot to worry about in the fintech landscape. If you're not familiar, Broadridge is a company that make things like proxy statements and annual reports for companies, all the shareholder communications. They handle that end of the investment business. It's really a rare thing to find a company that almost has a monopoly on something that companies need. It gives them cost advantages. It gives them pricing power. Over 75% of households, I mean I'm not totally sure about that, but it's about 75% of households get a communication from Broadridge as an investor, maybe like 401(k) statements. They do all these shareholder communications. If you have a 401(k) and you get those annoying big packets of information each year, your prospectus each year that most people just throw in the garbage.

Jason Moser: Yeah, it's thrown away.

Frankel: That's like an 80-page booklet. That's something companies are legally required to send out, and Broadridge does it. They are the dominant market leader in that. I don't know if they're going to grow it like some of these big fintech companies. They've handily outperformed the market for years. I don't see why that would stop, especially with how many people have come onto the market in the last year alone. It gives them just a whole big natural target consumer base. I mean, how many millions of people do you think joined the market during COVID? It's a lot.

Moser: A lot, yeah. It's absolutely a lot. Yeah, no question.

Frankel: I'm a fan, I don't own the stock. I've dug deep into it a few times. I've written some of the premium write-ups on it. I'm a big fan.

Moser: Yeah, it feels like to me when you talk about those companies that are just by far away the market leader in their space, by far away the dominant company. It's no secret, I mean, the market clearly knows about it and probably every investor out there does, so you see a couple of things oftentimes with companies like that. Number one, they always seem to have a little bit of a premium assigned to the multiple. It's hard to ever find them really on sale or an attractive value, so to speak. But there are also businesses that while they're slow and steady, and I've said this before, the longer you own it the more sense it makes. I mean, it's one of those ones, it's not a secret. It's not meant to be something that you uncover that no one else knew about. It's just that it's an ideal investment for someone who is willing to exercise the patience and just being an owner of it for the next 10 years. I mean, there's a lot to be said for that.