Buying a home or a rental property can be a frustrating, challenging process, in part because of some pretty old-fashioned ways that things are done. Of course it's important to make sure that buyers are credit worthy and that titles can be transferred, but it's also kind of ridiculous that despite modern technology, much of the steps to closing on real estate have remained unchanged for decades.

This may not be the case for much longer, as an increasing number of real estate tech companies have started using new technologies, like blockchains and the applications that can be built on top of them, to improve the process immensely, for both real estate buyers and sellers

They might not be solved immediately, but here are some burning issues that could be improved by applying blockchain-based solutions.

Two people and a child stand in a home in front of moving boxes.

Image source: Getty Images.

1. The time spent on the minutiae of purchase contracts is massive

It's virtual that all the potential issues that can be anticipated are addressed in a real estate contract, but that doesn't mean you should have to constantly juggle a huge tome that is your purchase contract or chase it around constantly through the buying process. Although some are working with digitized versions of old-fashioned paper contracts, other companies are trying something new: smart contracts.

Smart contracts  are contracts that are recorded on the blockchain, with the potential to automatically run programs when conditions are met. For example, if you have agreed to put up $10k in earnest money with the signing of a contract, it could be programmed to extract that money (saving you a trip to the bank and another to meet with your agent, who then has to deposit the check in their broker's escrow account). Any sort of conditions can be programmed into smart contracts, which run on one of many blockchains, to make your contract move more smoothly and quickly.

2. Title searches are very involved, slowing purchases down

Title searches are necessarily thorough, but because there are hundreds of years of sales records to comb through, often in different formats, it can take a while for someone to complete the search that says your title is 100% clear. If more data related to real estate transactions was moved into a blockchain ledger, it would take a fraction of that time.

Instead of having to look through individual records, each property could have its own entry, on a ledger where records can only be added, never removed. Because the data is checked against other copies of the same ledger, it helps to maintain the integrity of the information, ensuring that this faster-processing method for title work is also highly accurate.

Of course, that's in theory. But there are currently tests being run in New York City to see just how well this system would work in a larger community. Smaller blockchain-based deed ledgers have been running in places like Teton County, Wyoming, for years.

3. Title insurance is too expensive

Title insurance is an amazing thing to have when you really need it, but most of the time, you don't. And when you don't, it can feel like a huge sunk cost on the already difficult road to homeownership. With the use of the title systems explained above, title insurance would be dramatically cheaper because it would be very difficult for something to slip through the cracks. Fewer claims mean less expense to the title insurance company and a lower premium for everyone.

A blockchain-based deed recording system might not totally eliminate the need for title insurance, but it would certainly cut back on the situations where it would be necessary to untangle title issues, therefore speeding up the process of issuing policies.

Solving problems in homebuying helps buyers and sellers

No matter which end of a transaction you're on, being able to buy or sell a home faster and for less money would be ideal for most people. Not only do you get the cash in hand (or access to the property) more quickly, meaning that you can stop worrying over the contract and all the things that can go wrong, but you'll spend less of your own time on moving the process along.

Cheaper contracts are better for everyone as well, and that's the other beautiful thing about working with blockchain technology. Because there's the potential to automate a large part of a real estate transaction, with only minimal input from people who would need to verify certain types of subjective conditions (like to verify that repairs were completed correctly), transfer costs could be significantly reduced because there's less need for human input.

Blockchain technologies like smart contracts and deed ledgers are still in the early stages but represent an incredible revolution in real estate sales. In a time with continued record sales numbers and files piling up on desks at real estate, escrow, and closing companies across the country, a little revolution would make a huge difference.