AvidXchange Holdings (AVDX -1.74%) posted its latest set of quarterly results on Tuesday before market open, and investors greeted the news warmly. They traded the stock nearly 14% higher across that trading session, a level that trounced the S&P 500 index's 2.5% advance.
Explosive bottom-line growth
AvidXchange's third quarter saw the fintech boost its revenue by 14% year over year; it came in at nearly $113 million. That was on the back of 9% growth in total payment volume, a crucial metric for the accounts payable specialist, to $21.5 billion. On the bottom line non-GAAP (adjusted) net income practically exploded, doubling and then some to almost $15.7 million ($0.08 per share).
Both figures topped the average analyst estimates, which were a shade under $111 million on the top line and $0.07 per share for adjusted net income.
In its earnings release, AvidXchange said it was essentially managing to keep up with still-strong demand. Co-founder and CEO Michael Praeger said, "While the macro backdrop still remains choppy, the recent inflection in transaction retention trends is encouraging."
Full-year revenue guidance adjusted
Management is clearly encouraged enough to update its revenue guidance for the entirety of 2024. The company now believes it will earn $437 million to $439 million in revenue for the year, with the lower end of that range getting a slight raise from the previous $436 million. The adjusted per-share earnings forecast was left untouched at $0.24 to $0.25.
It's admirable that AvidXchange managed to boost its business in an environment of caution; macroeconomic worries led many enterprises to curtail their spending on certain services. That's a good sign for the future, and investors were fully justified in bidding up the company's stock Tuesday.