Arm Holdings (ARM 5.24%) surged higher on Wednesday. The company's stock was up 5% as of 11 a.m. ET and was up as much as 5.1% earlier in the day. The leg up comes as the S&P 500 gained 1.8% and the Nasdaq Composite gained 2.4% as of the time of writing.

Arm is seeing positive movement thanks to the revelation that it is developing a strategy to raise prices and boost revenue significantly. The company, which specializes in licensing its critical intellectual property (IP) to chipmakers, is also considering designing its own chips.

Court documents reveal Arm's plans

Previously sealed court documents from a trial last month in which Arm attempted to secure higher royalty rates from one of its key customers revealed a new key initiative intended to boost revenue by $1 billion a year, a large number considering the company's sales for 2024 reached $3.24 billion.

Codenamed "Picasso," the project has been in the works since at least 2019. The plan involves significantly raising -- by as much as 300% -- what it charges clients to license its IP. Arm's clients, which include Apple and Qualcomm, incorporate the IP into the chips they design; Arm doesn't design its own chips -- for now. The documents also revealed that top leadership is considering moving into this competitive, but lucrative, field of whole-chip design.

Arm adds a key executive

Adding to the narrative, Arm just announced it hired Eric Hayes as executive vice president of operations. Hayes has been in the semiconductor space for some time, overseeing the development of new product. The company stated he would play a key role in advancing "innovation across the ecosystem as [Arm] builds the future of computing."

Arm is clearly attempting to take advantage of the artificial intelligence (AI) boom and better position itself to do so. However, the company may have a difficult time pulling off Picasso without shooting itself in the foot, and with a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 231, I wouldn't jump in at the moment.