Buckle up, Fools! If you own shares of Outerwall (OUTR)Weight Watchers (WW -11.98%), or GoPro (GPRO -3.98%), next week is likely to be highly volatile for you. That's because all three of these stocks have lots of people shorting (betting against) their success over the medium term, and all three stocks are reporting quarterly earnings.

When these two variables collide, volatility is almost always the result. If you don't believe me, check out the three stocks I highlighted earlier this month, which moved an average of 8% following their respective releases.

I don't think you should try to make quick money with this information. Indeed, there's no way to know if these moves will be up or down. Instead, I think it's wise for current shareholders to check out the slideshow below, get a better idea for what Wall Street is expecting, then zero in on what really matters over the long run.

Image sources: GoPro, Outerwall, Vic, via Flickr.