It's been a wild 2015 to say the least for American retailers. On top of that, Nordstrom (NYSE: JWN), long insulated from the economic malaise of middle America, has seen is sales growth figures slow to a trickle and earnings drop for the first time in over 5 years. Shares dropped just two months ago from an all time high of $83 to a recent low of $49.34 - a level not seen since 2012. All of this begs the question: is the sky truly falling for Nordstrom? There are, undeniably, some negatives that the 105-year old Seattle-based retailer is currently grappling with - but the company is adapting to the modern retail landscape better than most. In fact, there are numerous moves being made by JWN that should give shareholders optimisism. So put on your jester caps, here are the top 5 reasons Nordstrom shareholders should ignore the Wall Street negativity and look toward the future.