I used to worry about money as I got older (I'm over 50).
"Will Social Security be enough for a comfortable retirement?"
"What if I out-live my nest egg?"
Those were things I used to think about all the time. But that all changed earlier this month.
Suddenly, the fog had been lifted. Within a few hours, my outlook had completely changed.
You see, I had just been in the same room as one of the world's smartest dividend-stock investors -- James Early.
You may have heard of him. He's appears regularly in national media like CNN, National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal, and Men's Health.
So you can imagine how excited I was to find myself in the same room as James Early himself in earlier this month.
James fielded my questions for nearly 3 hours!
James told me nearly everything he knows about dividend stock investing.
I tried to write down every single word James uttered. Over 7,000 words! My hand ached.
But boy was I glad I did! James shared his master strategies that older Americans have been using to generate consistent income like clockwork. Even if they need to catch up. And even if Wall Street gets clobbered again.
These were some of the most powerful income-strategies I had ever learned. That's why I practically begged James to develop a one-stop-shop for others to learn his valuable dividend strategies.
Thankfully, James agreed and decided to develop his FREE webinar he's calling The 5-Step Blueprint to Rack Up Dividend Cash in Any Market.
If you want 2016 to be your most successful year yet, I think you'll want to get your hands on this information. Please take a few minutes to access it now.
It's free to you.
Click here for instant access.