Castor Maritime (NASDAQ: CTRM)
Castor Maritime Return vs. S&P
1 Year | 5 Year | 5 Year Annualized | Since IPO |
Castor Maritime Company Info
Castor Maritime, Inc. engages in the provision of shipping transportation services It operates through the following segments: Dry Bulk, Aframax/LR2 Tanker, and Handysize Tanker. The Dry Bulk segment transport dry cargo commodities. The Aframax/LR2 Tanker segment handles the transport of crude oil. The Handysize Tanker segment carries oil products. The company was founded by Petros Panagiotidis on September 12, 2017 and is headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus.
News & Analysis
Why Shares of Castor Maritime Are Cruising Higher This Week
This shipping company delivered record results on the bottom line for the third quarter.
Why Castor Maritime Stock Shot Higher This Week
Monster gains this week have to be put in perspective.
Why Castor Maritime Stock Is Soaring This Week
The company is taking delivery of new ships at a time when charter rates are high.
Why Castor Maritime and Seanergy Stocks Popped Today
Dry bulk shipping rates took a turn for the better.
Why Castor Maritime Stock Soared 30% Today
The company has put new vessels to work.
Why Castor Maritime Stock Is Higher This Week
Investors cheered an announcement that could help fund future growth.
Why Castor Maritime Sunk Another 15% in June
Investors might want to give this dry bulk shipper a wide berth.
Why Castor Maritime Stock Got Torpedoed for a 39% Loss in May
A reverse stock split wasn't a cure to what's ailing Castor Maritime.
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