Grupo Supervielle (NYSE: SUPV)
Grupo Supervielle Return vs. S&P
1 Year | 5 Year | 5 Year Annualized | Since IPO |
Grupo Supervielle Company Info
Grupo Supervielle SA operates as a holding company. The firm engages in the provision of banking services. It operates through the following segments: Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Treasury, Consumer, Insurance and Asset Management and Other Services. The Retail Banking segment involves in granting of loans and other credit products such as deposits of physical persons. The Corporate Banking segment focuses in advisory services at a corporate and financial level, as well as the administration of assets and loans targeted to big clients. The Treasury segment operates with Government Securities of the Group, syndicated loans, and financial lease. The Consumer segment consists of loans and other credit products targeted to middle and lower-middle income sectors and non-financial products and services. The Insurance segment comprises insurance products, with a focus on life insurance. The Asset Management and Other Services segment offers mutual funds and other products and services. The company was founded on October 8, 1979 and is headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
News & Analysis
Why Grupo Supervielle Stock Just Popped 30%
Earnings could appear any day now, and investors are optimistic.
Why Grupo Supervielle Stock Jumped 11% Today
Investors vote with their wallets in a show of support for a new economic minister and a new economic plan.
Why Argentine Stocks Are Hopping Today
Shares of Grupo Supervielle, Central Puerto, and Pampa Energia surge on perceptions of less "risk."
Why Grupo Supervielle Stock Dropped 10% Today
Inflation is rising and the peso is falling.
Why Argentine Financial Stocks Just Took Another Turn for the Worse
Banco Macro, Grupo Financiero Galicia, and Grupo Supervielle are starting off this week much like they began the last one -- down.
[Time Sensitive 10%er] Why Argentine Stocks Continue to Rebound on Friday
An important ally just weighed in on the Argentine presidential contest. Whoever might that be?
Why Argentine Stocks Bounced Back on Thursday
Presidential pandering means profits for investors who bought on the dip.
Grupo Supervielle, Loma Negra, and Transportadora de Gas: Why These Argentine Stocks Bounced Back on Tuesday
A flameout of historic proportions gives way to a rather modest bounce back. And it won't last.
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