The percentage change for this company's share price today.
(1.0%) $1.43
Day's Range
The range between the highest and lowest prices at which this company's shares traded today.
$136.24 - $138.66
Previous Close
The final price at which this company's shares traded during the previous trading day.
The starting price at which this company's shares traded during the current trading day.
Beta measures a stock or portfolio's movement relative to the overall market, or to a specific stock index. A stock with a beta of 1 is theoretically as volatile as the overall market. A beta of more than 1 indicates a stock is more volatile than the market, and a beta of less than one indicates it is less volatile. For example, a beta of 2 implies that a stock will move twice as much as the market, whereas a beta of .5 implies half the movement of the market.
The number of shares of this company's stock that have traded today.
Average Volume
The average number of shares that are traded over a trailing three-months period.
An industry or industry subset that a company operates within. There are 11 different stock market sectors, according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), the most commonly used classification system.
The market value of a company, in total dollars, also called "market capitalization." Market cap is calculated by taking a company's price per share and multiplying it by the company's total number of shares outstanding.
Market Cap / Employee
The market cap of a company divided by the total number of the company's employees.
52wk Range
The range between the highest and lowest prices at which this company's shares traded over the past year.
$128.55 - $249.91
The total sales generated by a company during the most recent year. Also referred to as "the top line" of the income statement.
Gross Margin
The gross profit expressed as a percentage of total revenue. Higher is usually better.
Dividend Yield
The percentage of a company's share price that it pays in dividends each year.
Earnings per share (EPS) indicates how profitable a company is on a per-share basis. EPS is calculated by subtracting any preferred dividends from a company's net income and dividing that amount by the number of shares outstanding.
CAPs Rating
The percentage of Motley Fool CAPS user ratings that predict this company will outperform the market. Based on sentiment data from The Motley Fool's CAPS community.
A group of companies that engage in the same primary business activity.
Healthcare Equipment and Supplies
The Motley Fool Investing Philosophy: We generally recommend investors buy shares of at least 25 stocks and hold them for at least 5 years. Learn More
Teleflex Return vs. S&P
1 Year
5 Year
5 Year Annualized
Since IPO
Teleflex Company Info
Teleflex, Inc. provides medical technology products which enables healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes and enhance patient and provider safety. The firm designs, develops, manufactures and supplies single-use medical devices used by hospitals and healthcare providers for common diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in critical care and surgical applications. It operates through the following business segments: Americas, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), Asia (Asia Pacific) and OEM. The Americas segment engages in the sales of interventional urology products. The EMEA engages in the sales of urology products. The Asia segment designs, manufactures and distributes medical devices primarily used in critical care, surgical applications and cardiac care and generally serves hospitals and healthcare providers. The OEM segment designs, manufactures and supplies devices and instruments for other medical device manufacturers. The company was founded in 1943 and is headquartered in Wayne, PA.
The total sales generated by a company during the most recent year. Also referred to as "the top line" of the income statement.
Gross Profit
Gross profit is how much money a company makes after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue, or total sales. It gives a view into profitability per unit produced for that company, before removing fixed costs like salaries or rent.
Gross Margin
The gross profit expressed as a percentage of total revenue. Higher is usually better.
Market Cap
The market value of a company, in total dollars, also called "market capitalization." Market cap is calculated by taking a company's price per share and multiplying it by the company's total number of shares outstanding.
Market Cap / Employee
The market cap of a company divided by the total number of the company's employees.
How many employees work for this company, as of our most recent data.
Net Income
The amount of accounting earnings (not cash earnings) left after all expenses have been subtracted from total revenue. Called the "bottom line" because it is shown at the bottom of the income statement.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. An easy way to calculate one measure of a company's cash flow. It is sometimes criticized for not being a proper, or complete, measure of cash flow.
Revenue Growth Rate
Earnings Per Share Growth Rate
Q4 2024
YoY Change
Net Cash
Total cash and short-term investments (that can quickly be turned into cash) minus total debt. If it's positive, the company has more cash than debt, and vice versa if it is negative. Don't assume that a negative value is bad, as it depends on the industry.
Accounts Receivable
Cash the company has not yet received from selling its product (i.e., unpaid invoices). This generally grows with revenue, though you should investigate if this growth rate differs markedly from the company's revenue growth rate.
The amount of goods held for sale or in the process of being manufactured. These include finished goods (ready to be sold), in progress (still being made), and raw materials (not yet started making). Changes in inventory tie into cost of goods sold (COGS), the expense subtracted from revenue to calculate gross profit.
Q4 2024
YoY Change
Long Term Debt
Debt that has to be paid back more than a year from the balance sheet date. This is often bonds issued by the company. Sometimes leases are included as debt, depending on the analysis.
Short Term Debt
Debt that has to be paid back within the next year. This inludes things like short-term bank loans and bonds due this year.
Q4 2024
YoY Change
Return On Assets
Net income divided by total assets. This is usually used for asset-heavy companies (like industrials or manufacturers). Return on assets shows how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate earnings. Higher is usually better, but ranges depend on the industry.
Return On Invested Capital
Net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) divided by average invested capital. A measure of capital allocation efficiency, the return on invested capital (ROIC) shows what return a company earns on money it invests.
Cash Flow
Q4 2024
YoY Change
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow (FCF) shows how much money a company has remaining after paying for operating expenses and capital expenditures. Calculated by subtracting capital expenditures from cash flow from operations.
Operating Free Cash Flow
The cash generated by a company's core business operations, before capital expenditures have been removed.
Q1 2024
Q2 2024
Q3 2024
Q4 2024
YoY Change
Price to Earnings
The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is derived by taking the price per share of stock and dividing it by the earnings per share for the most recent trailing 12 months (TTM). This value can then be compared to other P/Es, whether of an index, industry, or an individual company.
Price to Book
This is derived by dividing a company's stock price by its total stockholders' equity (or book value). It shows the value of a company's market capitalization relative to its book value.
Price to Sales
Market cap divided by total sales for the past four quarters. This can be used if a company is not yet generating profits.
Price to Tangible Book Value
This is derived by dividing a company's stock price by its total stockholders' equity minus intangible asstes. Price to tangible book value shows the value of a company relative to its hard or tangible assets.
Price to Free Cash Flow TTM
Price to free cash flow (FCF) shows the market capitalization of a company relative to how much free cash flow it generated over the preceding 12 months.
Enterprise Value to EBITDA
EV to EBITDA shows the enterprise value (market cap plus debt minus cash) of a company compared to the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.
Free Cash Flow Yield
Free cash flow divided by market capitalization.
Return on Equity
Return on equity (ROE) measures a company's financial performance calculated by dividing net income by total shareholders' equity. This shows how efficiently a company is generating profits, with higher being better.
Total Debt
All debt owed by the company, including both long-term and short-term debt. This does not include accounts payable and similar liabilities, but may include leases depending on the analysis.